Verify the test device in any of the following situations: When the test device is out of service for more than 2 hours and is to be reused; When the test pressure of the test bottle is changed; When there is doubt about the operating status of the test device; When the test device is ready for use after being overhauled. When testing with a standard bottle, place the standard bottle in a water jacket and wait 10 minutes before testing. If the test pressure does not change, use the standard bottle to verify the equipment once before starting the machine every day. The calibration pressure of the calibrated bottle calibration test device shall be selected from two pressures greater than and less than the test pressure of the bottle under test, and the comparison table between the expansion volume and the test pressure is shown in Table 1 below.
If the verification result does not meet the requirements, the verification may be repeated 3 times. If the failure is still not met for the third time, the test shall be stopped, the equipment shall be overhauled, and the inspection shall be carried out again after the inspection is completed. The holding pressure under the proof pressure is maintained for at least 30 s. The verification result shall be recorded in the test record table of the test bottle in sequence. For each test of the test device, the result shall be one row in the record table. During the calibration process, observe whether the common pressure gauge display is consistent with the system display pressure. When the pressure gauge is inconsistent, open the precision pressure gauge to compare the cause, find the cause, and replace the inaccurate measuring instrument. At the same time, the test device that meets the following requirements can be used for the hydrostatic test of the test bottle: The full deformation value under the two check pressures conforms to the scope of Table 1; Calibrated bottles have a measured volume residual deformation value of zero at the calibration pressure. The precautions for using the calibration bottle to verify the experimental device are as follows: After the calibration bottle is filled with water, antifreeze should be taken care of; Place the calibration bottle filled with water to prevent corrosion; ; In order to avoid the calibration bottle being worn out, the calibration bottle should be placed on the soft ground, and the calibration bottle must not be dragged on hard ground.
In order to protect the thread of the calibration bottle, the special joint connected with the test device should not be frequently loaded and unloaded; The paint on the outer surface of the calibration bottle should be well protected; After repeated calibration devices fail to meet the requirements of Table 1 and they cannot find the defects of the experimental device itself, they should check whether the calibration bottle is qualified or replace another qualified calibration bottle to verify the test device.